My Top Two Favorite Kitchen Appliances

Hey everyone, today I’m sharing my top two favorite kitchen appliances with you and how you can get them for less on Ebay. I’m talking about my copper Kitchenaid Mixer and our Ninja Coffee Bar. I love them both for very different reasons obviously. I love my copper Kitchenaid Mixer because the rose gold color really pops on against my grey backsplash in my kitchen. Oh and the fact that it makes baking so much easier, but I honestly just love how pretty of an appliance it is. It’s something I’ve had on my list for years and it is every bit worth it!

As for our Ninja Coffee Bar, we use it every morning and it has completely changed the coffee game for us. We actually now prefer our own coffee from home as opposed to going out for coffee because the Ninja Bar offers so many different options from portion control and time settings to classic brew and rich brew. It even makes ice coffee too, and we especially love the fact that we can froth our cream. It’s basically apart of our family. LOL

Both of these kitchen appliances are available on Ebay along with some of my MacKenzie Childs countertop accessories like these Courtly Check Enamel Canisters. I just love how black and white pattern pops in our kitchen and really elevates our countertops. We have quite a few  M&C pieces and Ebay is a great place to either start your collection or add to what you already have since they are more of invest pieces.

What are some of your favorite kitchen appliances?

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