Discovering Your #socialnetworth With The LSU Sororities

Happy Friday everyone! Before we jump into the weekend, I want to share my most recent social media workshop experience with you. About two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of speaking to over 450 LSU sorority girls about the power of social media and how to use it both responsibly and strategically. We had such an amazing turn out that we even had girls sitting on the floor!


 I was so excited when the LSU Tri Delta chapter president, Laurel Upton reached out to me about the opportunity.  I immediately said yes and asked fashion blogger, Krystal of A Pinch of Lovely and local New Orleans beauty expert, Ashley Sievert to join me in sharing our personal experiences involving social media. We called the event ‘Discovering your #socialnetworth’ because we want all young women and girls to realize their individual worth on social media.



We made a play on words with social ‘net worth’ to ask the girls how they individually value themselves on social media. Obviously, we weren’t there to rate them. We wanted the students to rate themselves to help them decide if they need to re-eavaulate the type of the content their posting. This is vital to do because even if you aren’t seeking a career in social media, the photos and words you post online are still a reflection of who you are as a individual. The majority of employers scan your Facebook and Instagram before interviewing  you because they want to see how you openly portray yourself online and if that correlates with the type of person they want representing their company.



Once we got that point across, we mostly focused on the positive aspects of social media and what amazing things it can lead to by using it responsibly and strategically. For example, without social media my business wouldn’t even exist. And all of the amazing opportunities that I’ve experienced over these past few years would have never been possible. I created my very own dream job just by sharing what I love through social media.

If you would have told me four years ago that one day I’d design my very own handbag with a huge company in New York or that I would be working for myself, attending New York Fashion Week and collaborating with big brand names like Old Navy, Kendra Scott, H&M, Yosi Samra, Chinese Laundry, World Market and GiGi New York, I would have never believed you.

Actually, I take that back, I might have believed you because I always knew that I’d never allow myself to have a normal job, but I had no idea that it would all stem from social media. It is truly incredible what social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now snapchat can empower you to do, and that’s why I like to share my story with young women to introduce the world of careers on social media. 


Back to the designing bags part, as a way to show the girls all the wonderful things that can stem from social media, I partnered up with GiGi New York to giveaway a Jenn Bucket Bag that I designed with them last October. This was such a huge accomplishment for me so I wanted to share that with the girls by giving one away especially since the bag has already moved its way up to one of Gigi New York’s top sellers. (last styled here)




On top of the handbag giveaway, we partnered up with 20 other amazing brands and local boutiques to giveaway 30 different prizes to the girls!

Photos by: Kristina Britt Photography

Thank you so much to all of the giveaway & promo code sponsors:

Gigi New York | Kendra Scott | Kelly Wynne | White Elephant Designs | Ashley Sievert Beauty | Chinese Laundry | Sweet Caroline Designs | Gorjana Jewelry | The Elizabeth Chronicles | Yosi Samra | Bare Minerals Makeup | Buxom Makeup | Kismet Cosmetics | Barrington Gifts Bags | Julie Vos Jewelry | Dee Keller

Local Boutiques

Candy Apple Boutique | Love | Mint | Haus 131


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Barrington Gifts St. Anne Tote | Sweet Caroline Designs Notepads | Kismet Cosmetics | Kendra Scott Jewelry | The Elizabeth Chronicles Tee


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