Think Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness!

Hi everyone, I know that breast cancer awareness month recently came to an end, but that doesn’t mean we should stop spreading awareness and showing our support. With that being said, today my goal is to help you think pink for breast cancer awareness by sharing some stylish ways to wear pink throughout the year so you can continue showing your support for all those who need it.

I recently had a scare with breast cancer when I noticed a hard lump in my breast. It was so weird because I never examine myself, but for some reason I decided to check while I was I sitting in the bathtub a couple of nights after my 26th birthday. I was shocked when I actually felt something because I wasn’t expecting to and I didn’t want to believe it. I immediately panicked and started googling signs of breast cancer and how to properly check yourself. Sure enough I was checking the right spots and that hard lump I felt meant something. It didn’t hurt, but it was large enough to feel when you pressed your fingers into it, which was rather terrifying considering that a hard lump in your breast is one of the main signs of breast cancer.

I scheduled a doctor’s appointment the next morning with my family physician hoping she would tell me that it was nothing and I could go back to living my life and stop researching on WebMD. Unfortunately, during my breast examination she told me she really didn’t like the way that it felt and urged me to get an ultrasound. She then refereed me to the St. Tammany Parish Hospital – Women’s Pavilion where a specialist would look further into the situation. I felt sick to my stomach. I thought to myself ‘Why me! I can’t have breast cancer! I’m too young! I’m too busy! I’m not cut out for cancer.’

For the next day and a half leading up to my ultrasound appointment, I don’t think I ever stopped praying. I tried to keep myself busy, but the thought of cancer still lingered in the back of my mind. On the day of the appointment I got Chick-fil-a on the way in hopes that it would cheer me up some. It did. Gosh I love that place! Anyway, once I arrived to the Women’s Pavilion they immediately took me back so I could change into a warm robe. I remember looking at myself in the dressing room mirror with a hopeful face and saying, “Be strong! You can do this!”

I don’t think I moved or breathed during the whole ultrasound with the nurse before the doctor came in and started talking. I just prayed. I so badly wanted it to just be a cyst, but no. The doctor told me it was most definitely not a cyst, but that it could possibly be a fibroadenoma, which is a non-cancerous tumor commonly found in young women. However, she couldn’t tell for sure because it wasn’t a perfectly round shape like a typical fibroadenoma. Then she said the word that I dreaded most second to cancer…biopsy. Let me just tell you that I can’t even handle a regular hemoglobin test at the doctor when they prick your finger, let alone a full on procedure! On top of that, they couldn’t schedule the procedure for 5 more days! How on earth was I supposed to wait an entire to week to undergo surgery to find out if I have cancer or not!

I kept myself as busy as I could possibly be during those five days leading up to the procedure and I never stopped praying. I had to give myself daily pep talks to get going because I wanted to ignore to what was going on, but I couldn’t. The Sunday before my appointment, I went to church with my best friend and I prayed for God to give my heart peace because I couldn’t take the stress anymore. I also asked him to give me the strength to handle whatever comes out of the situation. I feel like I always pray for things to go exactly how I want them to, but I realized it doesn’t work like that because the world doesn’t revolve around me and God has a much bigger plan. Of course I said “God, please don’t let it be cancer!” but then I followed that with saying, “However, if I’m apart of a bigger plan, please give me the strength I need to overcome any challenges that I may face.”

That day after church I was finally able to sleep through the night and when my procedure came around I felt a sense of peace of calmness in heart and mind. I also had Chick-fil-A so that probably helped too! LOL  I’m not gonna lie…it was still scary knowing what they were going to do and the fact the procedure was followed by a mammogram, but I somehow knew I was going to be ok. Also, I have to say that the nurses at the Women’s Pavilion were absolute angels! They couldn’t have been more sweet and caring. Before my procedure, the nurse put lavender all over my head and gave me headphones to listen to a meditation. She even placed a warm blanket over me and reassured me that everything was going to be ok.

I’m going to fast forward to the end. By the grace of God the results came back negative and I was cancer free! The hard lump turned out to be an abnormal fibroadenoma, which I don’t need to get removed in case you’re wondering.While my breast cancer scare was a terrible experience, I still took away something positive from the situation. It made me realize how other women must feel especially the ones who fear they will leave their children behind. So I decided to take my experience and share it with you to encourage you to examine yourself or get tested for early detection and to offer a hand support to those who have been diagnosed with cancer. If you know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, make her family dinner or offer to pick up her kids from school.  You can even invite her out for a girls’ night to help her get it off of her mind for a while.

I also recommend donating to breast cancer foundations like Susan G Komen or participating in local fundraisers for women who have been diagnosed in your community. If you’re unable to donate, remember that you can always wear pink to show your support!

Scroll through this post to see how I styled this pink Henri Bendel bag with a fall look and to shop more pink clothing, bags, shoes and accessories!







Photos by: Lainey Reed Photography

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Outfit: Twist Front Top | Waldorf Party Bag in Pink c/o Henri Bendel | Hudson Krista Ankle Jeans | Steve Madden Callvin Heels (similar here)

Jewelry: Samantha Necklace c/o Kendra Scott



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