“Doves of a feather flock together.” + Happy Easter!






Photos by: Kaela Rodehorst Williams

Order this necklace here under my Haute Looks page–> Doves of a Feather necklace

Good Morning readers, these simple yet beautiful necklaces are what Dotted Tusk and I have been working on the past month.  My younger sister, Kate Palpallatoc is graduating from St. Scholastica Academy this year, which is an all girl school where I graduated from too.  Thinking about her graduating from high school brought all kinds of memories flooding back.  SSA is where I made a few of my best friends and experienced some of the greatest moments of my life.   I wouldn’t trade those memories for the world so I decided to design a necklace that would serve as a reminder of the sisterhood she shared with the rest of her class. Considering that SSA’s mascot is the dove, I thought a simple gold feather would be the perfect charm to remind them that “Doves of a feather flock together,” and that they’ll always share connection.  The song on the card is actually the Irish Blessing that we used sing to the seniors each year at the farewell assembly and graduation when I was in high school.

These are the lyrics that I chose:

“May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

The bottom of the card says:

This necklace was designed in honor of the graduating seniors of St. Scholastica Academy.  May this feather be a reminder of the sisterhood you shared with the class of 2013.

The necklace is available for purchase under my under my Haute Looks page here–> Doves of a Feather necklace.  This necklace was designed in honor of the graduating seniors of SSA.  However, it is not limited to just SSA seniors.  This is necklace is perfect to give as a graduation gift as well as gifts to current SSA students, newcomers to SSA, SSA alums and anyone who would enjoy a simple gold feather necklace.  

It is only $30 plus tax and shipping.  Please allow 3-7 business days for shipping or local pick up.

**You can also pay with cash or check. Please contact me at  (985) 789-4741 or email me at Jenn.hauteofftherack@gmail.com if you have any further questions. Thank you!**

Below are photos of me and my best friends from SSA.  We’re all still friends and I even stood in one of their wedding’s last week and will be another one’s wedding next year.

Left to Right: Me, Jordan Shepherd, Abby Delahoussaye Kinchen, Haley Costa, Jessica Ramirez



Photos by: John Crifasi


Photo by: Kaela Rodehorst Williams

This beautiful cross painting was given to me from my friend Abby for standing in her wedding.  She and her mom painted these canvases together to thank everyone for helping make her wedding special.  It’s such a stunning painting and it’s the perfect reminder of why we are all celebrating Easter this weekend.  I hope you all have a wonderful and happy Easter.

P.S. I also have a photo shoot scheduled with my sister and some her friends who will modeling the necklace for you in a blog post after Spring Break so keep your eyes out!

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